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photo: MISN

This May, spend a few days recommitting and acting for mining justice.

Most of the world's mining companies are Canadian. Most of the serious human rights violations - murder and kidnappings, criminalization and violent repression, severe water contamination - registered at mines around the world are at these Canadian mines.


As the earth, water and people face tremendous risks posed by the Canadian extractive sector, we must find community and courage to act to defend life.


Join us Friday, May 5 (beginning at 6pm) -Sunday, May 7 (ending at 1pm) at Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre for the 2017 United for Mining Justice National Gathering and join a movement to build mining justice in Canada and around the world. REGISTER HERE.


We have created a number of options for registration with the hopes of making participation in the 2017 United for Mining Justice Nation Gathering as accessible as possible for everyone. If you don't see an option here that fits your needs, please contact us and we will work with you to help make your participation possible! Please do not stay away due to lack of funding!


Photo: Samaqan Water Stories


- OVERNIGHT REGISTRATION FULL! Contact us if you want to participate and cannot commute! If you can commute, see below.



- Commuter price - $185. REGISTER HERE.

This fee does not include overnight accommodations, breakfasts or transportation to Sandy Saulteaux.


Youth and folks who work with youth ** We hope to have a strong youth component at this gathering. If you are a youth or work with youth (as a volunteer,lay-minister, minister or staff person) you may be able to apply for funding to participate  in this gathering through the United Church of Canada Vision Fund.Click here for details and the application form.


Photo: Jacinda Mack


"We have to challenge this imaginary belief that extractivism is INEVITABLE," Jacinda Mack


United for Mining Justice is pleased to announce that Jacinda Mack, Coordinator of First Nations Women Advocating for Responsible Mining will be a key note speaker for our gathering.  Jacinda is a member of the Xat'sull First Nation, one of the Mount Polley Mine disaster-impacted communities. 


On August 4 2014, a tailings dam collapsed at Imperial Metal's Mount Polley Mine and sent up to 25 million cubic metres (10,000 Olympic-size pools) of wastewater and mine waste solids into downstream waters, destroying or affecting over 2,612,470 m2 of aquatic and riparian habitats—equivalent to about 500 football fields or 1500 ice hockey rinks, the largest mining disaster in Canada's history.


To date, there still hasn't been an effective clean up and communities along the affected rivers and lakes are paying the cost. Watch more here.  Listen to more here.  Read more here.


Photo: Abraham Chikasa


"Mother Earth, our COMMON HOME, has been pushed to the brink," Abraham Chikasa


United for Mining Justice is pleased that Abraham Chikasa will represent the Council of Churches in Zambia at our national gathering. 


Abraham is the Head of Programmes at the Council of Churches in Zambia, a long-term partner of the United Church of Canada and member of the World Council of Churches, where he provides programmatic leadership in the development work of the CCZ. 


Working in several communities, Abraham works on  advocacy and lobbying with government and mining companies on issues of compensations, displacements and overall policy change, building capacity of communities to monitor transparency and accountability in natural governance and encouraging increased capacity of women to respond to impacts of mining. 


Read more about the Council of Churches of Zambia here and  here.


©United for Mining Justice.   

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