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United for Mining Justice is not an ‘anti-mining’ network but is opposed to non-accountable, non-democratic exercise of power by the corporate mining sector, to unfair distribution of benefits from mining, and to harmful social/environmental impacts especially on communities near mines. UfMJ upholds the right of communities and nations (including Indigenous peoples) to sovereignty and self-determination vis-à-vis the use and development of natural resources including minerals and metals, as enshrined in the United Nations General Assembly resolution 1803 (XVII), permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources”, passed on 14 December 1962 and as further articulated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Our Vision


A society where people’s traditions, values and rights are respected.

Our Mission


United for Mining Justice (UfMJ) is a network of United Church of Canada folks and allies working towards a just extractive sector laws and practices, for an accountable Canadian mining industry, and for local and national jurisdiction over mineral resources.


The network was established in June 2013 in response to calls for education, advocacy and solidarity from “partner organizations” of the UCC in Asia, Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean where mining by Canadian companies is causing or associated with negative social, political and environmental impacts.


Membership in the network is open and not limited to UCC members; however, UfMJ has a principal responsibility to educate, engage and mobilize the UCC constituency. By joining the network, you are stating your commitment to support the stated Mission, Vision and Objectives of the UfMJ.

Our Objectives


  1. To foster among Canadians/residents of Canada generally, and UCC members specifically, an urgent sense of accountability for the actions of Canadian mining companies in Canada and outside Canada, for mining-related policies of the Canadian government, and for inequitable distribution of wealth/benefits from Canadian mining.

  2. To educate and raise awareness within the UCC constituency of the impacts of Canadian mining in Canada and outside Canada; to create a well-informed constituency; to engage members in policy analysis and debate.

  3. To receive and disseminate testimonies, analysis and calls for action pertaining to the impacts of mining from partner organizations of the UCC outside Canada and from First Nations in Canada.

  4. To engage in advocacy and solidarity actions in response to calls from partner organizations.

  5. To learn about and confront the implications for Canadians and for the UCC of the extent to which Canada’s economic development has depended on resource wealth appropriated from Indigenous lands and peoples in Canada, and continues to depend on wealth appropriated from Global South countries.

The Beaconsfield Initiative

The Beaconsfield Initiative is primarily a grassroots human rights advocacy partnership. We work in collaboration with a National Council of Churches of the Philippines (NCCP), the United Church of Christ of the Philippines (UCCP), the Regional Ecumenical Council (Northern Luzon) (RECORD), the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA), the Cordillera Human Rights Alliance (CHRA) and various Human Rights groups within Montreal including the Centre for Philippine Concerns (CPC) and across Canada.

Learning from  Defenders of Mother Earth, San Miguel (1)

Mining the Connections, a Maritime Conference based mining advocacy network has worked for six years to urge the United Church of Canada to divest from Goldcorp Inc. due to concerns raised by local partners and indigenous communities in Guatemala.

©United for Mining Justice.   

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