Not Worth the Dirt They're Buried In: Canada's Aura Minerals continues to dig up the dead to
Esparta, Honduras Canada's corporate gravediggers continue to raid a generations-old cemetery in Azacualpa, Copan to expand one of...

Report back from Honduras
Friends, as you know, I recently participated in an Emergency Faith Delegation organized by SHARE El Salvador and other US organizations...
Amid ongoing demonstrations, visit to coincide with presidential inauguration
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE USA National Contact: Rev. Deborah Lee dlee@im4humanintegrity.org 415-297- 8222 Canadian Local Contact: Jackie...
Praying in Solidarity with Honduras
A prayer shared by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas **From January 24 - 30, 2017, members of the United Church and United for Mining...

Emergency Faith Delegation to Honduras January 24-30, 2018
Invitation to Join an Emergency Faith Delegation to Honduras January 24-30, 2018 “Your people shall be my people” (Ruth 1:16) We are...