United Church Pension Plan Investment in Goldcorp Troubles Victims of Mount Polley Disaster
This letter was first published in The United Church Observer in September 2017 Dear Editor, I was the keynote speaker at the United for...
Mines Ministers Meeting Falls Short of Meaningful Progress on Environment and Indigenous Rights
(Fredericton-Ottawa-Vancouver) Indigenous communities and advocacy groups are disappointed and concerned about the outcomes of Canada’s...
Three years on, Mount Polley disaster a painful reminder of never-ending horror
First Published in Canadian Dimension Bev Sellers is constantly reminded about the deeply personal, social and cultural loss that she and...

#SisterStreams Solidarity With Mount Polley Mine Disaster
United for Mining Justice members and friends across Canada participated in ceremonies and gatherings to remember the dam break at...
BC Government Continues to Play Russian Roulette with Citizens’ Future on 3rd Anniversary of Largest
Three years after Canada’s largest mine waste disaster, communities in the Cariboo-Central Interior of British Columbia learned that the...

~ UfMJ National Gathering - Early bird registration closes this weekend!
Register now for the United for Mining Justice national gathering - May 5-7 at Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre in Manitoba - and get...

UFMJ National Gathering Registration Open!
Join us at beautiful Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre in Beausejour, Manitoba from May 5-7 for our National Gathering! Click here to find...