Report back from Honduras
Friends, as you know, I recently participated in an Emergency Faith Delegation organized by SHARE El Salvador and other US organizations...
Amid ongoing demonstrations, visit to coincide with presidential inauguration
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE USA National Contact: Rev. Deborah Lee dlee@im4humanintegrity.org 415-297- 8222 Canadian Local Contact: Jackie...
Praying in Solidarity with Honduras
A prayer shared by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas **From January 24 - 30, 2017, members of the United Church and United for Mining...

The United Church is encouraged by the Canadian government’s announcement of an effective human righ
Originally published on January 17, 2018 at http://www.united-church.ca/news/human-rights-extractive-sector-ombudsperson-announced Today...

Emergency Faith Delegation to Honduras January 24-30, 2018
Invitation to Join an Emergency Faith Delegation to Honduras January 24-30, 2018 “Your people shall be my people” (Ruth 1:16) We are...

Lee Maracle: “We are all related. What happens to us in one tip of Turtle Island affects us all the
Lee Maracle: “We are all related. What happens to us in one tip of Turtle Island affects us all the way to the other end.” Clan Mothers...

United Church Pension Board: Reconsider your decision and divest from Goldcorp
44 Hucknall Road Toronto, ON M3J 1V8 September 27, 2017 To: The UCC General Council Executive for its November 2017 meeting From: The...

United Church Pension Plan Investment in Goldcorp Troubles Victims of Mount Polley Disaster
This letter was first published in The United Church Observer in September 2017 Dear Editor, I was the keynote speaker at the United for...
Open Letter to the United Church Pension Board
March 2, 2017, Lent Day 2 To Whom This Concerns at the United Church of Canada’s Pension Board: As a group of United Church clergy...
Mines Ministers Meeting Falls Short of Meaningful Progress on Environment and Indigenous Rights
(Fredericton-Ottawa-Vancouver) Indigenous communities and advocacy groups are disappointed and concerned about the outcomes of Canada’s...